Talking picto wall
Talking picto wall
Fun and educational tool for seniors with dementia. Fill a wall with pictures of, for example, fond memories and/or family members. Pressing the button plays the text.

Default delivery time

1-3 working days

€ 59,00

A Wall Full of Talking Memory Aids or Stories for Seniors with Dementia

This interactive talking wall is a fun and educational tool, ideal for care facilities or home use. The wall features 30 pockets where you can place cards, objects, or drawings. Each pocket allows for a 30-second voice recording. By pressing the green button, the recorded message plays back, making it an easy-to-use and engaging tool for seniors with dementia.

A Helpful Aid for Remembering Names

This interactive wall is a great way to recall memories or remember the names of friends and family. The images and objects are easy to swap out, allowing for a personalized experience. It can be used as a life story board, a recognition aid for familiar objects, or simply as a fun and interactive memory tool. No matter how the picture wall is used, it remains a simple and enjoyable tool for people with dementia.

Key Benefits at a Glance:
✅ A personal memory aid for seniors with dementia
✅ Simple and intuitive to use
✅ A fun and engaging addition to any home or care facility
✅ Stimulates the brain through interactive use
✅ Designed specifically for individuals with dementia