Simple Remote Control - Plus Simple Remote Control - Plus Simple Remote Control - Plus Simple Remote Control - Plus
Simple Remote Control - Plus Simple Remote Control - Plus Simple Remote Control - Plus Simple Remote Control - Plus
Simple Remote Control - Plus
Watch TV again with a simple remote control, but still enough options. This remote control is a handy tool for the elderly with Alzheimer's, for example.

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1-3 working days

€ 20,95

Make the Remote Control Easy Again for Seniors with Dementia

Watching TV is something we do often, but with increasing options, remote controls are becoming more complicated. For seniors, especially those with dementia, remotes can often be too difficult to use. We offer a range of simple remote controls, and this one is equipped only with the essential buttons for watching TV. Additionally, the remote features extra-large buttons, making it a suitable tool for people with dementia.
  • Power on/off
  • Volume up/down
  • Next/previous channel
  • Numbers 0–9 to directly select a channel
This remote is compatible not only with TVs but also with radios. It’s a universal remote that serves as a helpful alternative to regular remotes, and it can control two TVs or other audio devices.

✅ Extra-large buttons for easy use
✅ Only 8 buttons to keep operation simple
✅ Universal remote for almost any TV (infrared-compatible)
✅ A helpful tool for seniors with dementia