Music Bear Arthur
Music Bear Arthur
This sweet teddy bear is specially designed for seniors with dementia. Besides being wonderfully soft to cuddle, the teddy bear also gently plays music.

Default delivery time

1-3 working days

€ 89,00

A Singing Teddy Bear: Specially Designed for Elderly People with Dementia

This adorable teddy bear is called Arthur. Music Bear Arthur gives elderly people with dementia something to cuddle and care for. At the same time, Arthur gently "sings." By softly squeezing the bear’s paw, the music starts playing. This musical teddy bear combines the benefits of music with the added value of having something to care for. This combination promotes relaxation and social interaction. Additionally, the bear is wonderfully soft and loves to be cuddled.

✅ Cuddling with this teddy bear is calming
✅ The music stimulates the brain
✅ Increases awareness and enhances self-esteem
✅ Helps people with dementia open up
✅ Bear Arthur is specially designed for elderly people with dementia

Caring for Something Provides a Sense of Security and Comfort

Elderly people with dementia often lose their sense of time and daily structure. Giving them something to care for restores a sense of self-worth and security. The interaction with the bear awakens emotions, bringing out paternal or maternal instincts. Combined with enjoyable music, this helps activate people and increases their level of awareness.

The Bear Works Like an MP3 Player

The teddy bear has a Velcro opening on its back, where a built-in MP3 player is hidden. The bear operates on a rechargeable battery. Simply connect the bear to a computer using a USB cable. The bear can be filled with audiobooks, fun songs, soothing rhythms, or even Bible stories. With 4GB of internal memory, there is enough space for more than 1,000 tracks. Arthur plays songs and files in a random order. Each time you activate the bear by squeezing its paw, it starts playing a random song.